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Food Inspiration

Almonds: The No.1 Snack Nut for Global New Product Introductions in Europe and North America1

Snacking is in style.

The snacking category continues to see year-over-year growth, with an 11% increase in new global product introductions in 2018.1 In the US, 66% of consumers reported having about 2 snacks per day and 25% reported having about 3–4 snacks per day.2

Excellent attributes.

Surveyed US consumers rated almonds as “excellent” for the attributes of being natural, nutritious, low in sugar, high in protein and heart healthy.2

Valued for versatility.

Thanks to almonds’ wide variety of forms and subtle buttery taste, they’re a versatile ingredient that can enhance any product without overpowering it. Whole, sliced, diced, slivered, chopped, blanched –or as almond oil, almond butter or almond flour –almonds add value in just about any application.

1. Innova Market Insights, Global New Products Database, 2018.

2. Sterling-Rice Group, US Consumer AAU, 2018.