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Almond Intelligence: How almonds and AI can support future food innovation

The Almond Board has teamed up with AI-platform Tastewise and plant-based chefs BOSH! to showcase how almonds can help manufacturers innovate in line with evolving consumer demand.

Staying on the pulse of constantly evolving consumer demand is imperative when it comes to product development. Here at the Almond Board of California (ABC), we’re using AI to keep up with the latest trends. 

Using Tastewise, an AI-powered food trends prediction and intelligence startup, ABC is able to anticipate fast-changing culinary trends and preferences and provide inspiration for new product development. Tastewise analyses billions of social media posts and photos, restaurant menus, recipes and more to help understand what foods are trending and why, looking into the lasting evolution of consumers’ tastes to help prepare for future demands.

To showcase how AI can inspire innovation in product development, ABC have also partnered with plant-based chefs BOSH! to develop inspirational recipe concepts that bring Tastewise trends to life.

tastewise logo

The emerging trends identified by Tastewise:

  • Protein-Powered Breakfasts: Protein-rich breakfasts are becoming increasingly popular as a way to provide sustained energy throughout the day. 8% of all breakfast-related social posts mention protein and these conversations are growing YOY by 10%.1 
  • Desserts to Aid Digestion: Gut health is one of the top ten consumer needs in terms of functional health and there is a growing interest in desserts that support digestive health, with social posts relating to gut health and desserts growing by 30% YOY.2
  • Global Plant-Based Palates: Korean cuisine is captivating taste buds as the fastest-growing cuisine in plant-based foods with a 46% YOY growth.2

Check out these recipe videos to see how BOSH! brought these trends to life.

Protein Packed Breakfasts: Bakewell Tart Magic Oats

Gut Healthy Desserts: Probiotic Coco Crunch Tart

Plant-Based Innovation: Glazed Tofu Nourish Bowl

For more invaluable insights into consumer demand and the full recipes from BOSH! download our new resource:
What’s Trending According to AI? How Almonds can Meet Future Consumer Demand

  1. Tastewise UK consumer data, 2021 - 2023